Best Sustainable Beauty Brand 2022

There is nothing BETTER than being recognised for all the effort spent sticking to your brand ethos via an award. We are the very proud recipients of the Spa & Wellness award for the Best Sustainable brand in the body and beauty category.
What makes us stand out from the crowd and take home the gold?
Sustainable award
Innovation – This was a vital part of the Better Brand story. The fragrance industry is lagging behind in established and effective sustainable practices. We have been working on ways to innovate in this industry and trying to combine luxury and sustainability was a challenge and I believe we have made an excellent start. And we can only get Better.
Unique – Yes for the fragrance industry. Yes for small parts being diverted from the national kerbside collection program. Yes for educating our customers about these same small parts going to landfill if they are under a certain dimension.
Overcoming barriers – Yes, we had to work out how to create a program that fixed one problem for our customers that then didn’t add to waste or GHG through the implementation of the program. This is a work in progress as we go.
Australian manufacture – Yes, currently, we produce 90% of the BETTER brand within Australian shores. The remaining 10% is offshore due to Australia simply not manufacturing some small pieces of the puzzle.
Leadership – Yes, we made a decision from the beginning of development to create as many options as possible for our customers to embrace fragrance as a sustainable purchase. We wanted to show customers and the industry that it can be done with some thought and research. Does this make us one of the industry leaders? We hope so.
Collaboration – we are very proud to say our manufacture footprint is small for the main components of our brand. Our injection moulded plastics manufacturer is 10km from our head office. We are joining together to make BOB® successful in the following ways: We will process 20% of our returned plastic back into future manufacture of our packaging. The remaining returned plastic will be used by a selection of their customers who make products where recycled plastic and colour is not a factor in their product.